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Autumn/Winter 2024

Rehearsals begin on September 3rd and the concert is on December 7th in Deddington Church, accompanied by the Adderbury Ensemble.


J S Bach
Christmas Oratorio (Parts 1-3)

There are 14 weeks in the session so in accordance with the ‘75% Rule’ members should miss no more than three rehearsals 
If additional unplanned absence is unavoidable, members are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the play lists and rehearsal tracks provided and ensure that they are confident enough to sing in the concert.
The final rehearsal on the afternoon of the concert is always compulsory.
Anyone who is unavailable on the day of the concert or knows they will have missed too many rehearsals to take part is still welcome to come along on Tuesday evenings, with the exception of the final Tuesday of the session when we ask that only those singing in the concert attend.

Vocal scores are available to borrow.

If you wish to use your own score, please make sure that you have the Bärenreiter edition. We will be singing the Oratorio in English.  

Subs for the session (14 weeks) are £85.
Please pay online (contact the Treasurer for the banking details) or by cheque/cash.


Calendar for 2024:

January 9th Spring session starts
February 13th, March 26th No rehearsals
April 20th Spring Concert (Bloxham)
April 23rd  Summer session starts
July 6th Summer Concert (Deddington)
September 3rd  Autumn session starts
December 7th Christmas Concert (Deddington)